Recent Papers


ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT MODELING SECTION is in Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University and Department of Earth System Science & Technology, Interdisciplinary graduate school of engineering Sciences, Kyushu University. We focus on dynamics of atmospheric environment, transport process of air pollutants. Our research fields cover...

  • Study on atmospheric environment in East Asia with numerical simulation
  • Observational studies of atmopheric aerosols and chemical gases with space- and ground-based measurements
  • Integration studies of observations and numerical model through data assimilation

(Application guidelines for Master and Doctor courses)



Prof. Yang Zhang @ North Carolina State University visited our group.

2019.04.01 [Award]

Assoc. Prof. Keiya YUMIMOTO recieves Young Scientists' Prize, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


Prof. Chul H. Song, Dr. Soon-Young Park and Dr. Uzzal K. Dash @ Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) visited our group.


Prof. Zifa WANG @ Instutute of Atmospheric Physics, Chiese Academy of Science visited our group.


Researchers from Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center, China visited our group.


Prof. Matthias ROTH @ National University of Singapore visited our group.

2018.11.08-09 [Conference]

Assoc. Prof. Yumimoto gave an invited talk at The First Workshop for the Development of Korean Air Quality Forecasting System.

2018.09.27 [Conference]

2018.09.13 [Award]

Prof. Uno won the JASA Outstanding Paper Award.
Uno, I., Z. Wang, K. Yumimoto, S. Itahashi, et al.: Is PM2.5 Trans-boundary Environmental Problem in Japan dramatically improving?


The 20th anniversary party of Prof. Uno group!

2018.08.01 [Award]

Assoc. Prof. Yumimoto recieved the Young Scientist Award of Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology.
Prof. Uno won the Outstanding Paper Award of Journal of Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology.

2018.06.03-06.08 [Conference]

Assoc. Prof. Yumimoto gave a invited talk at Asia Oceania Geosciences Sciety, 15th Annual Meeting.

2018.06.06 [Award]

Prof. Uno be commended by the governor of Fukuoka Prefecture for his long service to protecting the environment.


Associate Prof. Keiya Yumimoto join our group.


Assistant Prof. Zhe Wang join our group.


Atmospheric Environment Modeling Section
Dev. Earth Environment Dynamics
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (6th Floor)
Kyushu University
6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga-city, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan

yumimoto (at)