RIAM, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University

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  • Announcement for Joint Research Proposals, 2024
  • 2. Subject Fields for Joint Research

2-2. Earth Environment Dynamics

( 1 ) Designated Joint Research

Designated Joint Research 1, 2 and 3 are related to the field of Earth Environment Dynamics.

( 2 ) International Joint Research

The branch of “Earth Environment Dynamics” pursues the clarification of dynamic phenomena in the ocean and atmosphere, through field observation, laboratory experiment, and numerical simulation. In particular, it promotes the research and development of monitoring and predicting the variability of the ocean and atmosphere, where focus is placed on changes in the Eeast Asian atmospheric/oceanic environment (atmospheric/oceanic circulation, ecosystem, air–sea interaction, variability of atmospheric/oceanic pollution), induced or affected by global warming and anthropogenic emissions of pollutants.

In addition to these application-oriented regional topics in East Asia, the branch promotes cooperative studies, either fundamental or advanced, theoretical or substantiated, of worldwide validity and utility from the dynamic viewpoint of the atmosphere and oceans.

Proposals may be made at any time if no budget is required and the research is restricted to using the facilities at RIAM. Please first contact a member of the staff at RIAM in charge of the facility (listed later) and proceed with the due formalities.

( 3 ) Early Career Joint Research

Joint research related to the research content indicated in "(2) International Joint Research" section is welcome. On an application, please contact with your RIAM advisor in advance.

( 4 ) Standard Joint Research

Joint research related to the research content indicated in “(2) International Joint Research” section is welcome.

( 5 ) Research Workshop

Proposals for Research Workshops are welcome in the subjects of the dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere, in particular those related to the East Asian region. Challenging and interesting subjects are also welcomed in expectation of the future development of the dynamics of the earth’s environment.